Did you get the Printer Error 0x00000709 while attempting to set your default device accompanied with a message – “Operation could not be completed”. There are several reasons that may cause this error to pop in the first place like corrupt drivers, corrupt registry entries, etc. Sometimes, letting Windows 10 auto-manage the default printer can also lead to similar issues.To solve the error 0x00000709 on your computer, you should first run the troubleshooter. If this doesn’t help, try altering its default settings and update printer drivers. If none of these solutions work, you should modify the registry keys as there is the possibility of certain entries becoming obsolete. Let’s learn the ways to solve this bug on your PC –
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Fix: Error 0x00000709 while connecting a Printer
To fix Printer Error 0x00000709 on Windows 10, use the below workarounds –
1] Uninstall KB5006670 Cumulative update
As stated above, several users start getting this issue only after installing the latest security patch i.e. KB5006670 on their devices. So, as a workaround, you should try removing this cumulative update and see if it resolves the issue. Here’s how to uninstall Oct 2021 security patch on Windows 10 21h1, 20h2, and 2004 versions.
Note: If you had installed some other cumulative update and start getting this error code, uninstall that update.
- Press Win + I to launch the Settings window.
- Go to Update & Security > Windows Update next.
- Click the “View update history” option on the right pane.
- Here, you will find an option – “Uninstall updates”, click on it.
- You will be redirected to the Installed updates on Control Panel.
- Click “Uninstall a program” on the left pane. A list of all recent patch updates will appear on the right side.
- Scroll and locate “KB5006670”, right-click on it, and hit the option – Uninstall.
- When the warning message comes into the display, hit Yes.
- Your device will restart immediately afterward, and start removing the chosen update.
- Wait for this cumulative update to remove successfully.
After this cumulative update uninstalls, restart your PC again, and see if you can now print your documents.
Note: Alternatively, you may also CMD (Admin) to uninstall recently installed updates from your computer. After you open the Command Prompt, copy/paste this code, and press Enter.
wusa /uninstall /kb:5006670
After running this code successfully, restart your PC and see if it helps to solve the printing issues.
2] Run Printer Troubleshooter
- Press Window + R shortcut key to call Run dialog box.
- In the search box, type the following commands and press the Enter key –
msdt.exe /id PrinterDiagnostic
- On the following page, click on the Next button as shown in the below snapshot.
- Now, follow the on-screen instructions and at last, close the troubleshooter page.
3] Disable the Windows 10 managing Printers automatically
Windows 10 works on users’ behalf and auto manage the available printers. If you are facing the 0x00000709 error, you should disable this optional feature by opening the local settings on your PC. Here’s how to perform this task –
- Launch Settings using the Win+I key combinations.
- Select Devices thereafter Printers & Scanners.
- Switch to the right pane and unmark the checkbox against “Let Windows manage my default printer“.
- Close all running windows and Restart your PC so as to save the changes made so far.
4] Configure PointAndPrint registry
If the problem persists even after applying the above fixes, check if this is occurring because of the registry entry – PointAndPrint. You may configure this DWORD entry by opening the Command Prompt as admin. here’s how you may modify this key on the registry –
- Open CMD as an administrator.
- When the Windows console opens up, copy/paste the following –
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\PointAndPrint" /v RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
- Press Enter and see if this command runs successfully.
- If it does, restart your PC.
The error 0x00000709 should disappear from the next logon.
5] Use the Registry Editor
- Click on the Start button and type “Regedit” from your keyboard.
- Select the Registry Editor application from the best match.
- If UAC prompts on the screen, click on the Yes button to give your permission.
- In the Registry Editor window, navigate to the path –
- Move to the right pane and double-click on the Device option.
- In the popup menu, give the name of the printer inside the Value Data field.
- Clicking on the OK button, a new error may appear saying – “Cannot edit Device: Error writing the value’s new contents”.
- In this case, you need to set the permission of the key.
- So, go to the left pane and do a right-click on the Windows folder as shown in the below snapshot.
- From the context menu, select the Permissions option.
- Go to the Group or user names section, and select Restricted.
- Again, go to the Permissions for Restricted section and mark the checkbox next to the Full Control and Read option.
- Finally, click on the Apply and then OK button.
- There is a UserSelectDefault option in the right pane.
- Right-click on this option and rename it as the printer name.
- Now, reboot your computer and that’s it.
6] Update the Printer Drivers
The presence of obsolete printer drivers may also result in Error 0x00000709 on Windows 10 PC. To rule out this section, you must update all the Print drivers using the below steps –
- Right-click on the Win Icon and select Device Manager.
- On the following screen, expand the arrow next to the “Universal Serial Bus Controllers”.
- When this section opens up, do the right-click again on the “USB composite device” and tap Update driver. See the Snapshot below –
- Next, choose “Search automatically for updated driver software”.
- The System will take care of the remaining things. Wait for a while and let the Device Manager do its task.